Friday, 9 October 2015

A Proper Family Adventure by Chrissie Manby

I am a chick lit girl at heart so it was great to dive into a fabulous story full of delight characters.

In this wonderful tale we meet the Benson family, we catch up at grandads Bill’s Birthday party with all his family around him celebrating his great day, all his grandkids had clubbed together to buy him lottery ticket which turns out he wins £50,000  which he splits between them..

They arrive the following Sunday and have a family roast to discuss the spending at Annabel, Jackie oldest who she gave up for adoption when Jackie and Dave where teenagers too young to have a child but they found their way back to bringing a family of sorts. After dinner, Grandad Bill decided with the money that was left that they should book a cruise for all the family to go on, but as soon as this was decided family members start dropping like flies. The first to drop is Annabel and her husband their daughter Sophie has not long had a liver transplant and wanted to stay closer to her if anything happens , as Sophie taken internship at a local law firm to gain work experience. The next to drop out was Izzy, great granddaughter who also booked an internship at a country magazine which is her dream job plus she gets too stay with Sophie which is an added bonus. Just before the rest of the family are set to sail, Grandad Bill fells ill and is also unable to attend the cruise, Jackie feels that her and Dave will have to give up the cruise to look after him as they are his full time carers. Annabel steps up and takes Grandad Bill in.

So the rest pf the family Jackie, Dave, Chelsea with her boyfriend Adam and his daughter, Lily, Ronnie, Mark and Jack head for the cruise…….

Also taking the same cruise are Kirsty and Jane best friends, Kirsty feels that Jane needs a break and different view and come out of her shell that she hiding in since the loss of her husband to be and needs to feel life again.

Once on the cruise we dive more into Chelsea and Adams relationship, they have been together for a year now and just before the Cruise he said her to move in with him and Lily. But Adam is living with his dead wife even thou he loves Chelsea, he still not ready to really let her go. Jackie has got into her head that Adam is going to put a ring on her finger so a chance meeting with a stranger lose or save his relationship with Chelsea.

What I loved about the book that it switches back and forth between the characters on sea and land but be papered with a box of tissues, but this book is every additive for the word so go grab yourself a copy and find out will she or wont she……


Taming Lily by Monica Murphy

Another new author to be added to my must list to read …..

In this delight take we meet Lily Flower one of the three sisters but we meet Lily travelling far away from her family and friends to hide from the world. What she does not know yet that Max is hot on her trails his has been hired to retrieve an item that states to belong to his client that Miss Flower has taken and they would like the item returned as soon as possible.

We see Lily run to Hawaii  and she hopes and prays that no one’s recognises her, as she is a bit of a party girl and is known more for her wild side of life from what is printed in the press gossip  are columns. Lily has come from a strict up bringing losing her mother at a young age and only having a over bringing father for a parent lily has also pushed boundaries where are sisters are settled  and are now running some of the family business but she has never really been a 9-5 kind of girl.

Even thou she had a plan set in place she felt that she had someone watching her from afar so she always looking over her shoulder.

Max had Lily in his sights at all times but at a distance not to be seen but from the moment he started this job with a magnetic pull for her. So when he sees her drowning in the sea his attraction for kicks in for her and jumps in to save her, but soon releases that he is stepping  over the mark he mustn’t get involved  in and out for the laptop he keeps reminding himself. She looked at him and saw his face felt the spark…….

A few days later, lily has cabin fever she has been locked up in her cabin for days heads out to the hotel nightclub hoping that no one recognises her looking for the man that saved her life but lands up having a drink with a complete stranger but it gets sticky when the he wants more than just a drink but that’s not why she was here well not with him, but her knight in shining armour comes to her rescue. The chemistry is so intense they can’t resist each other. They spend every minuet they have together. Lily is fighting a holiday romance or letting Max into the heart of the real Lilly Flower not the one the all the world see????? . Max is fighting falling in love or completing the job!!!!!

So will they time together be spoiled when Max takes the laptop in the middle of the night or bring they stronger together.

That where I leave you to get your hands on a copy and go and read and find out…


Sunday, 4 October 2015

Trapped by Scandal Jane Feather

This is another new author for me Jane Feather is a delightful read...

In this story we meet Lady Hero Fanshaw who doesn’t live by the society rules, she is a very strong willed lady which does not all ways does as she is told. She lives with her twin brother in the heart of London, so When Alec goes missing to trip to find his fiancĂ©. Hero thinks about nothing but getting them back on England soil and heads to Paris into the lion’s den to find them. Paris was at its height of the revolution so if she was to found of noble blood then her head would be off so Hero finds herself travelling as a young man, who manages to land up in jail within a short time of arriving in Paris. But before long she is not the only one in her cell and from the shadows a man appears and realizes that’s he is not sharing with a young man but a young lady and one pf noble blood too, He  introduces himself as William Ducasse, Viscount  st.Aubrey and comes up with a plan for them  to escape . Once safe away from the jail Hero explains her story and mission to return to England with her family. William explains that he might be able to find Alex but could not make any promises, but from the moment they eyes meet the chemistry started to boil…. When they arrive at the safe house that William has been using, Hero washes and feels a little human, while she eats they quiz her of how she travelled across the waters with she even had to draw what she saw and that was very little, from the information she had given they realized she travelled over with the “Lizard” Williams emery!!!!!

AS the night goes on more and more men arrive at the safe house for food and pass and receive information to fight the revolution and help the rich and noble escape France and the gelatine, then Alex walks in and Hero is so glad to see him… Alex is not so frilled that she travelled alone through France to find him... All is well when they retire to bed which she finds that she is sharing with William, but they lust boils over and they land up in each other’s arms!!!!!!!

The next morning plans were made the days gathering information for their next move. Hero was to return to women’s clothes but a more common style she was suited too, so she would not draw attention to the safe house. So back to the dress she goes but still wants to help to do her bit for the escape plan. William finds pout that Marie Claire is in prison waiting to be executed the next afternoon, but it was too late for her mother and father, the plan is set in place and everyone has a part to play. Hero play her part well integrating in the crowd to get Marie Claire attention that they were going to help her escape and make her way to end of the cart and they would do the rest. Once Marie Claire was safely from the cart, Hero left the crowds she felt that she was being followed and spent as very long time clucking and driving making sure that she does not lead anyone back to the safe house. When she arrives back after making sure she was not followed her, faces a very angry William which turns into pure passion, when they come up for air they return downstairs for Hero to be reunited with Marie Claire who she had dearly missed, that night the men planned the escape and Hero helped Marie Claire bath and sleep the she headed to bed herself making sure that Marie Claire made it through the night and dreaming that she could love again after losing her love six years ago.

Early hours of the morning they made their way out of the big city out of eye view and made it to the seas without much trouble, could Hero love someone that in a blink of an eye kill but times are kill or be killed… They made their way across the seas to safe waters; Hero and William spend three glorious days together never spending anytime apart,  and in a spilt second he gets up and gets dress and the atmosphere change the love affair was over William states that he did not make any promises and it was never a permeant arrangement  and leaves Hero with a broken heart.

12 months later their paths cross and the chemistry was still there and Hero is confused more than ever but the most of all she needed him to explain for his departure. William pulls her near and pushes her away again is this last or will they have their happy ever after. That’s where you will have to get a copy and find out for yourself...