Sunday, 1 November 2015

A Parcel For Anna Browne by Miranda Dickson

I have a list of my all-time favourite authors and this wonderful lady is on that list, when I knew her new book had been finished and of too the printers. I sat on my hands like a small child waiting for Christmas day!!!!!! And boy it was worth the wait another fabulous story that I got lost in…..

We meet Anna Browne, a Cornish girl that moved to the big city of London. She has been unstable most of her life, so living in London she just blends in with the London folk and that suited Anna just fine.

Anna works for the Daily Messenger, a national newspaper on the reception desk and again she just blends in. Till one day she receives a parcel at her desk she never receives gifts and a smile comes across her face.  Anna decides to save the parcel till she gets home to the annoyance of her work colleagues. When home she setups for the night so everything she needed to do was done; now she can take great care when opening her parcel and take time with it. Anna discovers she has been sent a beautiful scarf something she would not normally wear and surprise the way the scarf makes her feel. The next day Anna wears her new gift arrives to work earlier something new and arranges for her desk as today is swop job week and she felt different and liked the feeling of trying something new and people were starting to notice her more and felt like she didn’t need to hide in the corner anymore where she wouldn’t be seen. Then she received another parcel a few days later from her mystery sender and this time she was sent a beautiful owl broach which gave her an extra boast of confidence and people were seeing the change in her, also she was getting extra attention from Ben McArea while on job swop shadowing while he working as a reporter for the newspaper, so Ben took her to Anna first interview and was shocked when the client would only talk to her. This put Anna out of her comfort zone but the gifts has given the confidence to pull through the interview without a hitch and now she was sitting having coffee with Ben outside work!!!!!

Another gift arrives in an old record and for a place for it to be plated and heard, Anna really wants to know is sending theses lovely gifts so she can thanks them for want they have done. Few days later another gist arrives in a beautiful pair of shoes, she wears on her date with Ben to a Jazz club which she enjoys his company, the conversation and the dancing and felt at ease talking about her gifts that she has received and how they have made her feel , Anna starts to believe that more be more dates Ben until he publishes an article on her and the gifts and thus sends her world upside down and draws out her mother that she has not spoken too or seen in five years…..

So will Anna relationship her mother grow stronger after all this time, will she trust Ben every again and the most important who sent the gifts, so go get a copy of this fabulous story and find out you will not be disappointed.

Another wonderful story from the lovely Miranda, I will count down the days to your next book.

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