Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The One in a Million Boy By Monica Wood

When I was just this book I wasn't sure it was my cup of tea but I so glad I picked it and read it.

In this wonderful tale is about one boy who life has made a mark on in life and after death. The story starts with Miss Ona Vitkus who is 104 and has many takes to tell but is a very guarded person until someone knocks on her door  asking if she has any odd jobs for her son to do. Miss Ona and the boy bond over her tales and the love of recorded breaking.

Till one day tragedy strikes and the little boy does not turn up fate has taken a twisted turn and a young life has been taken, a few weeks later as been in instructed  by his ex wife Quinn knocks on Miss Ona's door to fulfil the commitment his son has made with her.

The base line of the story is how people  bond unlikely friendships and the ability to deal with grief and move on and live their lives.

This is not one of my normal reads and touched some raw nerves  in my personnel life but I found it very addictive  and carried on reading .

You read so many books but very few touch deep inside your soul and stay with you  and this story is one of them .

Out today so go grab a copy and read this delightful story .

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