Sunday, 30 September 2018

The Reading Group By Della Parker

This is the first time reading this lovely author and here is my honest review of this story.

This book is based in a lovely seaside village, where a group of friends start up a reading group. This book is about loyalty  and friendships through good and bad times.

We start if in the book with Emma with the reading group and we meet Anne-Marie who thinks apart from friends that everyone she meets she is the rich kid but she is far from it and has worked for every penny running and working for her cleaning business. her head is always for of big ideas and wants to help people so she starts up a match making service. She hosts her first dinner event but it doesn't go to plan but made her think that she is missing love on her own life but has there been some one there but she just can't see it.

In the next chapter we meet Kate and in this months read its the turn of Lady Chatterley's Lover. Kate love life has gone down Hill since her husband had to demotion at work but they marriage has more problems than that. Katie feels she is missing something, when Bob the builder turns up to build her new kitchen, Kate's world changes which man does the dirty and breaks her heart.

Next its Jojo turn in March, she has been married twice and is still married to her second husband but she has not seen him in four years when he walked out the door to go find himself . Jojo has been living her life but now feels its time to start dating and has a date with a friend Daniel who has asked her a couple of times before  and they hit it of from the  the first minuet if they date but will her past catch up with her like poor Rebecca  this months book.

In the fourth Chapter we meet Serena who is the dark horse of the family , she feels she was always a disappointment to her family. The first sister was born with brains and is following her father footsteps and is a top notch doctor in London, the youngest sister was born with beauty and became an opera singers like her mother, but Serena feels she was born with neither but kept her head down and become a teacher. Thats when she meet Liam and loved down to the sea far away from her family has possible but fate deals a blow and she loses Liam the love of her life, this months books is Jane Eyre but Serena doesn't feel that her life is anything here the book until Mr Rochester comes into her life.

In the last chapter we meet Grace and Mikey and this month is their wedding and the book is The Great Gatsby and thats all I'm going to say as they are many spoilers in this last chapter so you will have to go and great a copy of this fabulous read and sit back and enjoy.

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